An investment is something that you put money into with the expectation of earning a profit. For example, you might buy shares of ownership in a company. If the company does well, the value of the stock will go up, and you can sell it for more than you paid.
Learn more about investing from our financial advisors below.
Retirement is a time of life to look forward to, but understanding the associated tax obligations regarding retirement income can be intimidating. This blog will take you through the basics. . .
Confusing information about selecting life insurance is normal. The reality is that there is never one type of anything that fits every situation. For example, would you like to see. . .
There’s no denying that retirement planning is a complex topic. There are many moving parts and pieces to consider, from Social Security and Medicare to investment strategy and estate planning.. . .
Open Enrollment (AEP) is around the corner, and for 44 million enrolled beneficiaries (1), this becomes a time to take advantage to see what changes are coming up and possibly. . .
Cost of living adjustments (COLAs) are meant to help ensure that Social Security benefits keep up with inflation. However, several factors can affect how well COLAs actually achieve this goal.. . .
Annuities have long had a place in money management and estate planning. During the Middle Ages, feudal barons and kings issued annuities to cover the high costs of near-constant warfare. . .
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“In today’s insane economic environment, it’s easy to be lured into risking your savings by chasing after returns. If you’re close to retirement, keep calm and focus on your long-term. . .
Learn how to identify and recognize phishing scams Simply ask for it. That’s the easiest way for an identity thief to steal your personal information. People fall victim to phishing. . .
“The best time to start planning your retirement is probably the day you get your first paycheck.” Jeff Kennedy If you’re like most people, planning retirement when you believe you. . .
Inflation poses a severe threat to all Americans and can cause profound damage to your retirement savings. As of June, the inflation rate in the US was a whopping 9.1%,. . .
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Annuities are a safe and reliable retirement product. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.
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Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.
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