An investment is something that you put money into with the expectation of earning a profit. For example, you might buy shares of ownership in a company. If the company does well, the value of the stock will go up, and you can sell it for more than you paid.
Learn more about investing from our financial advisors below.
Little better than keeping money under the mattress, the idea that bank accounts are the best way to save for retirement is a myth. In reality, they are one of. . .
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A dangerous phenomenon is happening within the financial services industry. For years marketing gurus taught the masses about niche marketing. We listened and drank the Kool-Aid. It happened across almost. . .
With the failure of several large banks in this country, concern over the banking industry is merited. Since size doesn’t seem to be an issue, both small and large banks. . .
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“Happily ever after” is typically the ending of a fairy tale. But it’s more than that. It’s also the way we want to retire. What does it take to have. . .
Becoming financially savvy is key to living a comfortable retirement, so let’s explore how soon to make the most of your money! Money experts agree that certain consumer fees can. . .
Do it yourself Life insurance is here. Life insurance has been a big part of my lifetime business practice, and it has been a part of building portfolios and planning. . .
Many people are shocked at how much of their tax-deferred balances will be erased by current taxes when funds are withdrawn, and it is not uncommon for these accounts to. . .
Fees Can Really Cost You When it comes to investing, every little bit counts. And while a small annual fee may not seem like a big deal at the time,. . .
What Method Should You Choose to Pay Off Your Debt? “10 percent of the people in this world use debt to get richer. 90% use it to get poorer.” -Warren. . .
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Annuities are a safe and reliable retirement product. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.
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Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.
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