Articles By Stephen Dybwad

Stephen is an independent financial advisor who believes the true art of financial guidance is not so much in the accumulation of assets but is in the preservation and distribution of those assets. Steve has been providing highly individualized financial guidance to clients across the nation for over 30 years. He is a popular speaker and lecturer and has formed several strategic alliances with accountants, attorneys, and other professionals to bring a multi-disciplined approach to the planning process.
April 9, 2024

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Picture this: after a lifetime spent building, achieving, and always looking towards the next goal, you reach retirement. It sprawls out before you, a vast and shimmering horizon promising endless. . .

March 28, 2024

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In an era marked by unprecedented advancements in healthcare and steadily increasing lifespans, the phenomenon of longevity risk has emerged as a prominent concern, particularly for retirees. This term refers. . .

February 9, 2024

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As retirees or those nearing retirement age begin to consider long-term care options, understanding the costs associated with nursing home care is critical to planning for the future. Nursing homes. . .

January 5, 2024

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There is no magic number. Lifestyle Goals When planning for retirement, the pivotal question is how much money you need to save to ensure a comfortable and fulfilling post-career life.. . .

December 8, 2023

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Disclaimer: Social Security benefits are designed to help financially. Please be sure you fully understand how the benefits work and ensure they are what you want. Consult the SS Administration. . .

November 9, 2023

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A Multifaceted Approach Embarking on retirement is a significant milestone, one that is as much an emotional decision as it is a practical one. The ‘perfect retirement age’ is not. . .

October 17, 2023

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Navigating October’s Market Madness: A Safer Way to Secure Your Retirement October has long been the stuff of nightmares for Wall Street, a month that’s given us some of history’s. . .

August 23, 2023

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Navigating Social Security and Pensions Retirement may feel like a fresh new chapter, can’t it? It’s a time when you can kick back, pursue passions, and—hopefully—shed some of that workplace. . .

June 7, 2023

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According to an AARP report, family caregivers in Indiana provided $10.8 billion in unpaid care to elders in 2019. Even now, as the pandemic has tapered down, it is likely. . .

March 23, 2023

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As people plan for their retirement, one crucial aspect often overlooked is the cost of long-term care. With an aging population, increasing expenses faced by retirees and their families due. . .

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