Well, at least for a while. The simple answer is this, the lower the interest rate, the lower the payment obligations. Based on that concept….. America has successfully refinanced its. . .
I’m seeking some “advice from management”. This is a request for a long-time friend and marketing partner. Q: Any suggestions re: soothing the furrowed brows and the angst that prospects. . .
Social Security will never run out of money. I know that is a broad and concerning statement, and one intended to cause the reader to investigate further. The new research. . .
Tax Scams: IRS Dirty Dozen It is tax time, and with it will come many offers to lower your taxes and, in some situations, avoid them altogether. These helpful hints. . .
Finding a competent annuity salesperson is not especially easy. The reason is simple, for many advisors or agents, annuities are a secondary business. Agents specialize in life insurance, long term. . .
Who came first, the chicken or the egg? Over the past few years, we’ve seen the ”chicken and egg” cycle continue in the national economy. The Federal Reserve pumps more. . .
If you get the chance to see the movie “The Big Short” take it. After watching the movie. I went home to take a shower and try and get some. . .
This simple and yet efficient approach to solving interest rate volatility can work for you. It involves annual maintenance on the investor’s part and using the internet for available interest. . .
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