
August 7, 2019

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Volatility in the stock market again is back, and it might be a warning shot. More people are waking up wondering could this be the Big Correction everybody’s been worried. . .

August 1, 2019

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No single retirement plan works for everyone. Your plan should be customized – shaped by your own goals, your comfort with risk, how long you have until retirement and how. . .
July 24, 2019

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My broker says he can outperform an annuity, can he? I would like to know how! Quite often when annuity agents present an annuity strategy to potential clients, the client. . .

June 25, 2019

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Planning now will go a long way toward helping you have a more peaceful and prosperous retirement. “A couple in their mid-50s purchasing new long-term care insurance coverage can expect. . .

June 15, 2019

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Try to save something while your salary is small; it’s impossible to save after you begin to earn more. –Jack Benny At one time or another, every one of us. . .

June 11, 2019

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Mr. Buffett said a specter much more sinister than corporate taxes is looming over American businesses: health care costs. And chief executives who have been maniacally focused on seeking relief. . .

June 7, 2019

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Almost all newer annuity contracts have a provision in them to allow access to all or most of your funds without penalty in the event of a need for a. . .

May 23, 2019

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Watch out for the Fake News and those who spread it I know that many investors are not big annuity fans, but I also know that most annuity “haters” have. . .

May 13, 2019

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Welcome to the age of safety, for the discretionary must have retirement funds needed to secure a lifelong income with no worries of running out of money before you run. . .
April 25, 2019

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There are rules which can be followed to allow pre-mature access to your 401(k) account. A 401(k) was created by congress to allow workers to accumulate funds for retirement on. . .

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Annuities are a safe and reliable retirement product. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.

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