
What is a Lifetime Income Benefit Rider?

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A Lifetime Income Benefit Rider (LIBR) is an optional feature that can be added to an annuity contract. It guarantees a specific income stream for the contract owner for life, regardless of market fluctuations or the performance of underlying investments. LIBRs can be attached to many types of annuities, such as fixed index and variable annuities, providing an additional layer of security.

Benefits of Lifetime Income Benefit Rider

LIBRs offer several distinct benefits to those looking to secure their retirement income. Firstly, they allow for the deferment of income for an extended period, typically 7-10+ years. This allows investments to increase in value over time. Secondly, death benefits are provided for beneficiaries if the contract owner passes away. Additionally, some riders may provide confinement care benefits or waiver of premium charges under certain circumstances. Finally, the guaranteed income stream is one that provides peace of mind during retirement years.

Limitations of Lifetime Income Benefit Rider

While LIBRs have many advantages, there are a few limitations to consider. Firstly, fees and charges may be associated with the rider that can reduce the annuity’s cash value over time. Secondly, withdrawals from the policy can negatively impact both cash value and benefits provided by the LIBR. Lastly, investment restrictions may apply to ensure the insurer’s guaranteed income stream’s safety.

Structure of Lifetime Income Benefit Riders

Lifetime Income Benefits Riders come in various structures to fit an individual’s needs. For instance, a joint life option allows for coverage of multiple lives under one contract, providing for individuals and their spouse in the event of death. It is important to remember that taking money out from your annuity will impact your rider’s benefits, so it is important to weigh your options carefully.

How to Quote Lifetime Income Benefit Riders

Comparing quotes from various carriers is the best way to ensure you get the most optimal deal when considering a LIBR. Start by determining your personal financial goals and assess whether a LIBR is right for you. Consulting with a financial planner can also be beneficial, as they can offer guidance in making an informed decision on what works best for you.


In conclusion, Lifetime Income Benefit Riders may be an excellent solution for those looking for guaranteed long-term retirement income with added layers of protection. They come with several benefits, but there are also some potential limitations to consider before taking out this type of rider. Comparing quotes from multiple carriers is the best way to make an informed decision that works for you. With the right knowledge and guidance, a LIBR can help secure your financial future.

A financial planner can help assess whether this type of rider is right for you and guide you through the quoting process. Don’t wait — start protecting your future today!

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