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Nelson Nash: A Tribute To A True Safe Money Hero

Presented By Library of Financial Articles


Edited By Amy Rushforth


Published March 30, 2019

Published Nov

30, 2019 / 4:29 pm

PST 5 min read

About Library of Financial Articles

“Plan as if you are going to live forever and live as if you were going to die tomorrow”

Though not an original quote, Infinite Banking Concept ® founder R. Nelson Nash was often heard to remark, “Plan as if you are going to live forever and live as if you are going to die tomorrow.”

By all accounts, this was precisely the way this exceptional man lived his life; a life of faith, family, and financial freedom. Nelson’s life’s mission was to help ordinary men and women find a clearer path to prosperity and financial independence. His book, “Becoming Your Own Banker,” brought this humble forester from the Deep South into the national spotlight and formed the genesis of a variety of financial freedom programs.

Nelson’s impact on modern retirement planning cannot be understated, and few in our industry matched his knowledge of economics and safe money strategy. That is why I was saddened to learn of his recent passing.

A Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) with over 35 years as a life insurance agent, Nelson worked with The Guardian and The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S… During his career, he racked up an impressive number of achievements including induction into the Equitable Hall of Fame and induction as a Life Member of the Million Dollar Roundtable.  (MDRT)

Nash poured his heart, soul, and resources into developing theories of what was possible for ordinary people to achieve using simple, safe financial cornerstones. He observed some inherent benefits of bypassing banks and Wall Street that many financial professionals overlooked or downplayed, including access to capital, the ability to earn higher interest, and having more control over one’s finances.

Since the publication of Becoming Your Own Banker, Nelson’s ideas have gained more and more mainstream acceptance, especially by seniors looking to avoid losses in the stock market from which they have no time to recover and people who are tired of the banking industry’s shenanigans.

Many of the key concepts and beliefs about safe money espoused by Nelson and his followers are ones which I incorporate into my own financial practice.

Like Nelson Nash, I believe
• It’s critical to have tax-advantaged growth if you want to retire more comfortably.
• It’s important to get the best rates of return possible while avoiding risk.
• Your money must be able to be accessed any time you need it.
• You should eliminate all fees that eat up your wealth
• You should take more control over your financial destiny.

The legacy of Nelson Nash is that retirees and pre-retirees now have more choices when it comes to avoiding Wall Street and financial institution risk.

So, thank you, Nelson Nash, for being bold enough to suggest that Wall Street and banks are not the only way to preserve and grow wealth and for being a man of principles and faith.

If you’d like to learn more about safe money concepts that address your situation, please contact me, and I will get you the information you need right now to become financially free.

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