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Market Volatility Puts Retirement Accounts In Peril

Presented By Library of Financial Articles


Edited By Amy Rushforth


Published August 7, 2019

Published Nov

7, 2019 / 3:13 pm

PST 5 min read

About Library of Financial Articles

Volatility in the stock market again is back, and it might be a warning shot.

More people are waking up wondering could this be the Big Correction everybody’s been worried about. I can’t answer that question, but I can tell you that a major correction is inevitable will it be 10%, 20%, 40% who knows what will happen.

Historically All bull markets come to an end. And the longer the bull market, usually the worse the correction is. And this has been the longest bull market in history.

There are several reasons to fear the end of the bull market is all of the other hurdles we are facing like:
· The escalating trade war with China
· China retaliating against the U.S. by lowering its currency to near historic lows
· Growing evidence of a global slowdown
· The Federal Reserve dropping rates plus they are out of answers to prop up the economy in the next downturn.
· The Brexit uncertainty and Eurozone problems
· The slowing housing market and declining values in some areas
· The highest household debt, corporate and national debt
· And there are many more.

Warren Buffett said, and I quote “Stock market losses of 50% or more are not only possible but inevitable in the future, no one can tell you when this can happen. They can at any time go from green to red without turning yellow.”

So why do people gamble with their retirement savings if they are close to retirement or in retirement? Let’s use for example a 20% drop in the market on $1,000,000 would result in the account dropping to $800,000, Lets assume you were removing 4% per year resulting in an annual income of $40,000. To continue to get that same $40,000 from $800,000 you would have to draw out 5% and what if the stock market had another bad year maybe only a 10% drop. If that happens, you
have to draw out more money. Now, do you think there is a real possibility you might run out of money? The answer is ABSOLUTELY. This is where fixed indexed annuities with guaranteed income riders take that worry off your shoulders.

If you insure your home and cars from losses, why wouldn’t you ensure your biggest asset like your retirement from stock market loss, real estate downturns, and the big one OUTLIVING YOUR MONEY?

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