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Market Volatility Can Be Defeated: Retain or Gain!

Presented By Library of Financial Articles


Edited By Amy Rushforth


Published June 17, 2023

Published Nov

17, 2023 / 7:40 pm

PST 5 min read

About Library of Financial Articles

If you can retain and then gain, don’t you win?

The stock market is up, and the stock market is down, day after day. Stress among many people worried about the future is very high. If you have experienced losses in your IRA and are concerned about your future retirement options, answer a few questions to determine if the “Gain or Retain” system is for you.

Consider these questions regarding your IRA and other retirement funds.

  • Does the daily volatility in the equity markets make you crazy?
  • Do you think the U.S. and world economy is volatile?
  • Has your retirement date been pushed far ahead into the future?
  • Have your retirement funds experienced a decrease in value?
  • Are your retirement plans based on an IRA or 401 (k)?

If you share these feelings, consider a simple and guaranteed approach to retirement planning. Retain or Gain!

The product of choice is called “fixed indexed annuity.” This product ties its returns (crediting) to an outside source such as the Standard and Poor’s Stock Index 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. When these markets move up, your account is credited. When the market lowers itself, you do not participate. Your account can only increase and never decrease. Here is the catch, your funds are not invested in these indexes, they are used simply to calculate yield!

These products also will allow for conversion to a lifetime pension and safe, secure reoccurring income. They provide income that you or your spouse can never outlive. Income that you can never outlive is a great stress reliever!

There are numerous companies and a myriad of products available to make sure your choice matches your goals. Think “Gain or Retain” for your essential retirement dollars and remove all risk.

What is the downside?

The insurance company gets to hold your money! That is the only downside, and if you invest anywhere, the investment company or bank will hold your money. Why not let the most regulated industry in the country hold your money? Safety and security is their goal, and the fear of loss will be forever removed.

Instead of personally managing your retirement funds or allowing a financial planner or stockbroker to manage them, move your funds to an insurance company. What is the difference? Simple, an insurance company will issue you a retirement annuity based on an underlying guarantee. That guarantee is simple: your funds will never lose value and will never be exposed to market risk. The removal of the possibility of losses provides a guaranteed base on which future growth will be added.

Many experts feel it may take a long time, even years, to recover from this current volatility in the world’s equity markets. Many consumers are frightened and confused about what road to take with their important funds.

Please don’t feel alone; most people in this country have those same feelings. What to do?

Many people have learned about the power of using the Safe Money approach to reduce volatility. Our Safe Money Guide is in its 20th edition and is available for free.  

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