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February 9, 2024

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Retirement planning is a journey that many small business owners embark on with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. As a small business owner, you’ve already demonstrated a remarkable ability. . .

February 9, 2024

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When choosing a financial advisor, retirees typically look for a professional who possesses a combination of experience, expertise, and a client-centric approach. A credible advisor that is retiree focused should. . .

February 6, 2024

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We’ve all heard the familiar refrain: “Set financial goals for the new year!” However, as we find ourselves firmly planted in 2024, it’s time to take a different approach. Instead. . .

February 6, 2024

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Disclaimer: Get advice form licensed and authorized professionals before making any final decision.  The article below is informational only. IRAs, 401(k)s, and other retirement plans offered through employers play a. . .

February 6, 2024

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When I think about investing, I don’t just consider stocks and businesses; I think about the broader picture of wealth management. This brings us to an immensely important topic not. . .

February 6, 2024

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In the world of investing, there’s a time for risk and a time for safety. As you approach retirement, the focus should shift from accumulating wealth to preserving it. After. . .

January 19, 2024

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Disclaimer: The article below is to provide very basic information about Social Security.  It is important you seek licensed and authorized professionals before making any final decision. Do not make. . .

January 17, 2024

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The landscape of retirement savings in the United States has evolved significantly, underscoring the critical need for solid retirement planning. As of 2022, an alarming statistic emerged: nearly half of. . .

January 17, 2024

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In the landscape of retirement planning, one cannot overlook the significance of Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs), especially in light of recent legislative changes. These financial tools have emerged as. . .

January 10, 2024

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Embracing Positivity With Smarter Finances As the confetti settles and the calendar flips to “2024,” a familiar buzz takes hold. Hope whispers promises of new beginnings, and ambition stirs with. . .

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Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.

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