Leaving a Legacy

About Del Fujinaka

Del is a Safe Money Retirement Specialist and Cash Flow Strategist dedicated to helping small businesses and family estates navigate complex retirement decisions. As individuals retire earlier and live longer, retirement income and protection from losses are major areas of concern for maturing Hawaii and California Residents.Del is different… He has combined his three decades of financial experience and business ownership to create an individual approach to retirement planning and wealth management, which conventional advisors never consider. Del Fujinaka is committed to unbiased financial education, which is critical to your understanding. You DO NOT have to expose your retirement to unnecessary taxes or market risks. You DO NOT have to be afraid of depleting your savings. You DO NOT have to watch long term care expenses devour your wealth.

How Annuities Can Support Your Heirs While Safeguarding Your Retirement

Retirement often ushers in a new chapter, one filled with travel, passions, and, for many, a cherished desire: leaving a meaningful legacy for loved ones. Yet, balancing this aspiration with securing your own financial well-being can feel like a delicate dance. Fortunately, annuities can become the graceful steps in this waltz, allowing you to support your heirs while simultaneously safeguarding your golden years.

The Two-Pronged Challenge:

The desire to leave a legacy fuels many hearts in retirement. Whether it’s funding grandchildren’s education, ensuring your children’s financial stability, or supporting a cherished cause, these aspirations weave into the fabric of our later years. Yet, these noble intentions can coexist with a natural, and essential, concern for your own financial security. After years of diligently saving, the last thing you want is to deplete your nest egg, leaving yourself vulnerable later in life.

This creates a two-pronged challenge: securing your own income throughout retirement while simultaneously nurturing the seeds of legacy. This is where annuities step in, offering a unique blend of guaranteed income and powerful legacy-building options.

The Safety Net for Golden Years:

Annuities, at their core, provide a reliable stream of income throughout retirement. This predictability acts as a financial safety net, ensuring you can maintain your desired lifestyle without dipping into your savings at an alarming rate. This peace of mind allows you to make informed decisions about your legacy, confident that your own needs are well-cared for.

The Seeds of Legacy:

But annuities extend their reach beyond simply securing your own retirement. Many types offer built-in legacy-building features that let you provide for your loved ones without jeopardizing your own financial stability. Here are some ways annuities can help sow the seeds of a flourishing legacy:

  • Death benefit riders: These optional additions stipulate that a designated beneficiary receives a predetermined amount upon your passing. This can be a crucial financial cushion for your loved ones, helping them navigate the emotional and financial hurdles of loss.
  • Income continuation features: Certain annuities guarantee that your chosen beneficiaries will continue to receive income payments for a specific period after your passing. This provides invaluable support and stability during a period of adjustment and grief.
  • Charitable gift options: If leaving a mark on the world beyond your family is your focus, some annuities offer options to designate a portion of your benefits to a chosen charity upon your passing. This allows you to support a cause close to your heart while still ensuring your family’s well-being.

Finding the Right Balance:

Choosing the right annuity for your legacy goals requires careful consideration. Consulting with a financial advisor can help you navigate the options and find the perfect blend of guaranteed income, death benefit features, and other legacy-building tools that align with your unique circumstances and aspirations.

Ultimately, leaving a legacy doesn’t have to come at the cost of your own financial security. By leveraging the power of annuities, you can ensure a comfortable retirement while planting the seeds of a meaningful legacy that will bloom long after you’re gone. Remember, a secure present can blossom into a flourishing future for you and your loved ones.

About Del Fujinaka

Del is a Safe Money Retirement Specialist and Cash Flow Strategist dedicated to helping small businesses and family estates navigate complex retirement decisions. As individuals retire earlier and live longer, retirement income and protection from losses are major areas of concern for maturing Hawaii and California Residents.Del is different… He has combined his three decades of financial experience and business ownership to create an individual approach to retirement planning and wealth management, which conventional advisors never consider. Del Fujinaka is committed to unbiased financial education, which is critical to your understanding. You DO NOT have to expose your retirement to unnecessary taxes or market risks. You DO NOT have to be afraid of depleting your savings. You DO NOT have to watch long term care expenses devour your wealth.

View The Best Annuity Rates Available Now

Annuities are a safe and reliable investment. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.

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Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.

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