Articles By Al Martinez

For more than two decades, Al Martinez has been an advisor and general agent in the financial services industry, helping clients to make sound financial decisions in the areas of insurance and retirement planning. Host of the Al Martinez Retirement And Income Radio Show.
June 29, 2023

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Customizing your Financial Safety Net Disclosure: Annuity riders are not always offered on all annuity products, and riders may not be available in all states. The discussion below is meant as. . .

April 5, 2023

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An annuity ladder is a financial planning strategy that involves dividing a lump sum of money into a series of annuities with different maturities. The idea behind an annuity ladder. . .

February 3, 2023

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Are you a retiree or planning to retire soon and concerned about having your savings last? It’s a valid concern; with increasing life expectancies, many retirees have to find ways. . .

January 9, 2023

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Years ago, I was sitting in my home watching on TV the arrival of a destructive force of nature called Hurricane Harvey in Houston.  As was reported through 24/7 media. . .

September 20, 2022

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Could an annuity help you enjoy your retirement? Hurricane Sandy devastated the Atlantic Seaboard, the national election has come and gone, but your money is still safe and sound. Think. . .

September 11, 2022

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Fixed indexed annuities have become the darling for retiring with guaranteed income. Nearly 3 million people will likely purchase fixed index annuities (FIA) in 2017. (2019, 4.2 million estimated new. . .

September 11, 2022

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Cash talks when it comes to paying for something like a new car. Cash can get you a better deal and eliminate interest payments. But more important than having money. . .

September 11, 2022

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Her jaw began to hurt three years after Sue retired, at first only when she awoke, then eventually constant. As she aged, a slight overbite had grown to a large. . .

April 25, 2021

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Retirement decisions can be confusing and complicated. Many people make too many mistakes when it comes to decisions that can affect their important retirement period. Listed below are 7 retirement. . .

February 16, 2019

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Myths or facts, make sure your understand the difference Corporate media is mostly aligned against annuities. Could financial bias drive this demonization? Traditional financial institutions (Wall Street) spend vast amounts. . .

View The Best Annuity Rates Available Now

Annuities are a safe and reliable investment. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.

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Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.

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For Life

Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.