
October 11, 2021

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Death, while painful for most of us to contemplate, is nonetheless a fact of life for which we all need to prepare. The death of a spouse brings its unique. . .

October 11, 2021

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One retirement goal is to live worry and stress free. A safe retirement option can help you achieve that goal.. . .
October 7, 2021

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A recent article in Investment News reported the planned crackdown on excessive fees charged by the brokerage industry, but how can FINRA regulate their own source of revenue?. . .
October 7, 2021

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Every night on the nightly news, it seems there is bad news about retirement plans, especially 401(k)s. The US Department of Labor has established new rules about the fees, disclosures,. . .

October 7, 2021

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“Deferred income annuities have a proven track record of helping seniors guard against longevity risk in retirement. A DIA allows you to create a stream of predictable, tax-advantaged income that. . .

October 7, 2021

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Prime Notes are Prime Garbage In a recent notice, the SEC warned of “Prime Bank Notes” being promoted as high yield bank alternatives are not real. These offerings prey upon. . .

October 7, 2021

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In 1994, amateur economist and investment manager William P. Bengen wrote his famous thesis about withdrawal rates from accumulated funds in calculating retirement income. Here is the Over the. . .

October 7, 2021

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If you haven’t read the colossal epic book about WWI, All Quiet on the Western Front, you might want to give it a go. Erich Remarque’s novel about the horrors. . .

October 7, 2021

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I have been asked recently how the current volatility of the stock market will affect the interest in annuities. Of course, the obvious answer to avoid instability is to get. . .

October 7, 2021

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I remember well that statement being made at a financial convention years ago, the speaker followed up his announcement with this: “I just don’t know when!” It seems that the. . .

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