Hedge funds pool investors’ money and invest those funds in financial instruments to make a positive return. Many hedge funds look at all sorts of possibilities in all types of. . .
Are Municipal Bonds Really Income Tax Free? Overview Of Municipal Bonds Municipal bonds (also known as “munis”) are attractive to many investors because the interest income is exempt from federal. . .
Closed-end mutual funds Have existed longer than open-end mutual funds, but are still much less common than open-end funds. Closed-end funds share certain similarities with open-end funds but have some. . .
TIPS, are they for you? Treasury inflation-protected securities, or TIPS, are one answer to the inflation risk problem that all bond investors face. All investors, particularly long-term investors, can lose. . .
To Roth or not to Roth, that is the question Most people are very well aware of the benefits of building a retirement nest egg using a Roth IRA. One. . .
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What was meant as the savior of the uninsured and those who cannot afford health insurance, ACA, is in trouble. The trouble is not finding folks who need and want. . .
The IRS Wants Control Over Your IRA Location The IRS wants as much control over your IRA as possible: New rules tighten the grip. In the past, if you were. . .
Should auld acquaintances be forgot, And never brought to mind? And never brought to mind, as some stock and bond market investors would prefer? Certain trends that began last year. . .
Income that can never be outlived is the secret many are learning is the most important part of retirement When was the last time you heard anyone say, “I am. . .
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