
April 10, 2019

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The Inverted Yield Curve of March 22, 2019, is YOUR FRIENDLY REMINDER to purchase your income guarantee sooner rather than later. Innuendo in today’s title notwithstanding, on Friday, March 22,. . .

April 10, 2019

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The FDIC was created in 1933 to add stability to the failing banking industry. The concept was simple: provide guarantees for funds on deposits in member banks. Stability was necessary. . .
April 9, 2019

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My friend John has a special item in his life, John has a safe. This isn’t any ordinary safe; it is a special safe that John keeps his important money. . .
April 9, 2019

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What is financial fear? How do you overcome it?. . .
April 7, 2019

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Unlike wills, which are automatically submitted to probate and become public record after your death, living trusts keep your assets from becoming frozen and/or parceled out by a court appointed. . .
March 30, 2019

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“Plan as if you are going to live forever and live as if you were going to die tomorrow” Though not an original quote, Infinite Banking Concept ® founder R.. . .

March 25, 2019

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Protection against loss and lifetime income!  How can those guys do that? Of all the many wonderful features of Fixed Indexed Annuities (FIAs), perhaps the two most significant features are. . .

March 22, 2019

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Learn to Take Your Vitamins, Think Like a Tortoise and Comprehend the Real Meaning behind the Annuity (Part 1) We both know that there is an emotional bridge that exists. . .

March 21, 2019

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The financial industry is re-training their customer base to accept robo-advisors as actual customer service. What is the cost to consumers?. . .
March 21, 2019

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Your financial planner gets paid even if your account loses value, what a deal! In the past, financial planners, stock brokers and financial advisors used assets under management as a. . .

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