Is Your Annuity Right For You? Let’s Talk About It

retired couple meeting with financial advisor

About Jeff Sather

Jeff D. Sather founded Cornerstone Legacy Partners, an insurance consulting firm specializing in asset-based long-term care insurance. With nearly a decade of experience in the industry, Jeff has worked with some of the nation’s top financial advisors, agents, CPAs, CFPs, and estate planning attorneys. He has earned the nickname “The Most Successful Wholesale Marketer of Hybrid LTCi” due to his extensive work with these professionals. Jeff has also partnered with Roy Snarr Retirement Solutions and the Snarr Agent Academy to help run the Long-Term Care division, which assists thousands of agents and clients annually. Jeff is passionate about helping people obtain crucial retirement coverage.

Okay, let’s be honest – the word “annuity” might not set your heart aflutter. But stay with me! Annuities may be a surprisingly useful tool when building a sturdy retirement plan. Think of them like a financial safety net.

So, what exactly is an annuity?

In a nutshell, an annuity is a contract with an insurance company. It works like this: you give the company a chunk of money, and in return, they promise to pay you regular income either immediately or down the road in retirement. It’s a way to secure a steady stream of cash later in life.

Okay, but is an annuity right for me?

That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Here are a few things to consider:

  • Do you crave guaranteed income? If the idea of stock market swings makes you break out in a cold sweat, an annuity might be right. Some types offer a guaranteed income stream you can’t outlive – a sort of financial comfort blanket.
  • When do you need the money? Are you nearing retirement? Some annuities are designed to kick off those payments right away (like an income annuity). Others let your investment grow for a few years before starting income. Do your homework to find an annuity timeline that gels with your goals.
  • Are you okay with less control? Once you buy an annuity, you generally lock in for a set period. It’s not as easy as liquidating a stock when you need quick cash, so make sure you’re okay with that before diving in.

The Pros and Cons: A Quick Breakdown

Like most things in life, annuities have their upsides and downsides:


  • Guaranteed income: Some annuities offer steady payments like clockwork.
  • Longevity protection: You won’t outlive your income stream (with certain annuity types).
  • Tax benefits: Some earnings in an annuity grow tax-deferred.


  • Fees: Annuities may get pricey with various fees attached.
  • Complexity: They’re not the easiest things to understand. Get help if you need it!
  • Limited access to your money: Withdrawing money early may lead to penalties.

Hold on, there are different types of annuities?

You bet! Annuities come in all shapes and sizes, such as:

  • Fixed annuities: The most basic. A predictable interest rate for a set period of time and the ability to convert your funds to guaranteed income.
  • Variable annuities: Your return ties to market investments, potential for higher growth, but also higher risk. This sector of annuities is sold by stock brokers and the contracts have numerous levels of fees and expenses. Make sure you fully understand how your contract would perform before acquiring it.
  • Indexed annuities: Your funds are guaranteed from loss and annual performance is based on an outside source such as the S&P 500 Stock Index. A portion of the index may be earned but there is no exposure to loss.

The Bottom Line

Annuities aren’t a magic bullet for everyone. But, if you want a guaranteed income stream to supplement things like Social Security or pensions, they’re worth a long look. Just remember:

  • Do your homework: Not all annuities are created equal. Read the fine print!
  • Talk to a trusted financial advisor: Get unbiased advice tailored to your specific situation.
  • Weigh your options: Don’t put all your retirement eggs in the annuity basket. Consider a mix of investments for well-rounded security.

So, there you have it! Annuities in a (hopefully less intimidating) nutshell. If the idea of a reliable income stream in retirement tickles your fancy, it might be time to dig deeper into the world of annuities.

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About Jeff Sather

Jeff D. Sather founded Cornerstone Legacy Partners, an insurance consulting firm specializing in asset-based long-term care insurance. With nearly a decade of experience in the industry, Jeff has worked with some of the nation’s top financial advisors, agents, CPAs, CFPs, and estate planning attorneys. He has earned the nickname “The Most Successful Wholesale Marketer of Hybrid LTCi” due to his extensive work with these professionals. Jeff has also partnered with Roy Snarr Retirement Solutions and the Snarr Agent Academy to help run the Long-Term Care division, which assists thousands of agents and clients annually. Jeff is passionate about helping people obtain crucial retirement coverage.

View The Best Annuity Rates Available Now

Annuities are a safe and reliable investment. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.

Our unique system of “Pooled and Shared” articles by our authors, our outside contributors, and writing assistants provides efficiency, enhanced collaboration, and greater topic accessibility. This allows for a better utilization of content and productivity while delivering meaningful content to our readers.

Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.

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