
Unleashing the Power of Annuities

About Ben Kunes

Safe Money Retirement Group
Ben Kunes is the host of the Retirement & Income Radio Show and President and Founder of Safe Money Retirement Group LLC. Ben enjoys assisting his clients of all walks of life, with securing their financial future as they prepare for, and enter retirement. Calling on his over 28 years as a licensed professional, Ben specializes in strategies that assist his clients in achieving safety, security, growth without stock market risk, and lifetime income.Ben and his wife of 23 years, Fanny, reside in St. Louis, Missouri, where they are active members of the White Flag Christian Church. Ben and Fanny are blessed with four children, six beautiful grandchildren, and two dogs. In their free time, they enjoy St. Louis Cardinals baseball, St. Louis Blues hockey, and vacationing in Florida.Ben looks forward to meeting with you to share ideas about protecting your retirement money and securing a guaranteed retirement income.

A Beginners Guide to Investment Options and Strategies

With their promise of a steady, reliable income stream, annuities have become a prominent part of many retirement portfolios. Beyond their essential appeal as a source of guaranteed income, however, annuities also provide an array of investment options. This article aims to illuminate these choices and present some dynamic strategies for capitalizing on the unique features of annuities.

First, let’s dive into the types of annuities available and their investment options. Broadly, annuities may be categorized into immediate and deferred annuities, with sub-categories of fixed, variable, and fixed indexed annuities under each.

Fixed annuities provide a guaranteed rate of return, which may appeal to those prioritizing stability over high potential growth. Variable annuities, on the other hand, allow you to invest your premiums in a variety of sub-accounts, like mutual funds. These categories of investment may include stocks, bonds, and money market instruments, providing you with the potential for higher returns but a possible exposure to increased risk. Fixed indexed annuities may bridge the gap, offering returns linked to a market index, such as the S&P 500,(overall annual yields may have contractual limits) but with certain protective features to avoid market exposure.

Each type offers unique investment opportunities that cater to different risk profiles, investment horizons, and income needs. But more than merely understanding the options is needed; let’s look at some strategies to leverage these options effectively.

  1. Diversification with Variable Annuities: Utilize the investment sub-accounts offered by variable annuities to diversify your portfolio. Similar to mutual funds, these sub-accounts may be spread across various asset classes and sectors. A diversified approach should be considered. Variable annuities also have fees and expenses for management of the annuity and the actual investment choices.  It is important to know and understand these expenses.
  2. Hedging with Fixed Indexed Annuities: Fixed Indexed annuities may provide a hedge against market volatility, offering growth potential while protecting against market losses. Since returns are linked to a market index, you stand to gain during positive market trends. However, the downside protection feature ensures that your account is protected against market losses, even during market downturns and volatility.
  3. Laddering: This strategy involves buying multiple annuities with different maturity dates to create a steady income stream and hedge against interest rate risk. By spreading the purchases over time, you may take advantage of potentially higher interest rates in the future.
  4. Income Layering: Use annuities to layer your retirement income. Start with a base of guaranteed income from Social Security and fixed annuities, then layer on income from variable or indexed annuities for potential growth and to hedge against inflation.
  5. Rider Strategies: Many annuities offer riders, or add-on benefits, that may customize your annuity contract. For instance, you might add a long-term care rider for additional protection or a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB) rider for assured income.

While annuities may offer attractive investment options and a robust income strategy, it’s crucial to remember that they should form part of a broader, well-diversified financial plan.

Ready to unlock the full potential of annuities in your investment portfolio? Navigating the complexities of annuities and designing a strategy that fits your financial profile may be challenging. Speaking with a financial advisor may make all the difference. They may provide personalized advice, guide you through your options, and help tailor an annuity investment strategy that aligns with your unique financial goals.

  • Annuities offer diverse investment options through different types, such as fixed, variable, and indexed annuities, catering to various risk profiles and income needs.
  • Practical strategies to leverage annuities include diversification with variable annuities, hedging with indexed annuities, laddering, income layering, and adding rider benefits.
  • It’s crucial to align annuity investments with overall financial goals, risk tolerance, and income needs as part of a broader, well-diversified financial plan.

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About Ben Kunes

Ben Kunes is the host of the Retirement & Income Radio Show and President and Founder of Safe Money Retirement Group LLC. Ben enjoys assisting his clients of all walks of life, with securing their financial future as they prepare for, and enter retirement. Calling on his over 28 years as a licensed professional, Ben specializes in strategies that assist his clients in achieving safety, security, growth without stock market risk, and lifetime income.Ben and his wife of 23 years, Fanny, reside in St. Louis, Missouri, where they are active members of the White Flag Christian Church. Ben and Fanny are blessed with four children, six beautiful grandchildren, and two dogs. In their free time, they enjoy St. Louis Cardinals baseball, St. Louis Blues hockey, and vacationing in Florida.Ben looks forward to meeting with you to share ideas about protecting your retirement money and securing a guaranteed retirement income.

View The Best Annuity Rates Available Now

Annuities are a safe and reliable investment. They can transform your savings into a more predictable income. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals today to find out how an annuity can offer you guaranteed monthly income for life.

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Content in our posted articles is deemed to be accurate but topics, facts and laws can change. It is always a good idea to verify facts before making decisions. Always seek authorized and professional advice regarding financial decisions which includes investing, annuity purchases, tax planning, changes in a financial portfolio and retirement planning.

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