Our Mission

“At Annuity.com, we understand that worry drains our vitality, steals our happiness, and disrupts our peace of mind. Nothing is more concerning for retiring adults than the fear of outliving their financial resources. That’s why our mission is to help our clients worry less and live longer. Our agents create financial plans that empower clients with the assurance that they have a secure financial future that lasts a lifetime.” – Brett Blake, CEO of Annuity.com, Inc

Our Shared Values

We want our customers, our agents, our employees, and shareholders to worry less so they truly live well. To accomplish our mission, we hold true to these guiding values we intend to follow:

1. Respect Higher Priorities – We BELIEVE God, Family, and Friends should be more important than earning and preserving financial prosperity.

2. Do the Right Thing – We BELIEVE in doing what is right even if it comes at a financial cost.

3. Strive for Excellence – We BELIEVE in striving for excellence. While we don’t expect perfection, we never settle for less than our very best.

4. An Abundance Mentality – We BELIEVE there is always enough to share with others and want to win together. We compete in the market, but not with each other.

5. Happiness – We BELIEVE our happiness will bring us success, rather than expect success to bring us happiness. We choose to be happy and hope to infect all in our path with happiness also.

6. Meaningful Relationships – We BELIEVE in cultivating long-term meaningful relationships. We want our customers, agents, and employees to find friends in us.

7. Transparency – We BELIEVE in building trust through transparency. With all we do we continually seek to establish and build trust through honest and forthright communication.

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Work with our trusted financial experts to find an annuity that meets your financial needs.

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