Snowball Or Avalanche

Snowball effect. Vector Illustration decoration only

About Tim Davis

RICP®, CLU®, CEBS, Certified Financial Fiduciary®
The founder of Davis Capital Corp. is Tim Davis, RICP, CLU, CEBS. He has had a successful insurance career that spans over 30 years. Tim focuses his attention on people who want a safe and secure retirement. His extensive insurance background in all areas of insurance covering human capital, as well as being a successful entrepreneur, uniquely qualifies him to lead a team to strategically design and place insurance plans for a broad spectrum of needs, both personal and corporate. Tim is a University of Texas at Austin graduate with a BBA in finance. He also earned the Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP) and Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designation from the American College of Financial Services and the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) certification from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

What Method Should You Choose to Pay Off Your Debt?

“10 percent of the people in this world use debt to get richer. 90% use it to get poorer.” -Warren Buffett

Getting rid of a debt at any time is a great idea. After all, carrying a heavy debt is known to cause various psychological and physical ailments. Being shackled to a pile of bills leads to losing opportunities and options that can improve one’s life.

These issues are magnified when a person is ready to retire or forced by circumstances. Although an alarming number of people are doing so, entering retirement with debt is highly inadvisable.

I often tell my clients that reducing or eliminating debt is the first step in creating a happier, less stressful, and more accessible life. But, as most of us know, paying off debt can be daunting. Fortunately, there is a consistent rhythm to the process based on factors other than merely paying off the highest interest rates.

Traditionally, debt elimination has been framed as doing it the “snowball” way or the “avalanche” way. Both are easy to understand and implement and are helpful ways to remove debt from your life.

Snowball and avalanche plans have you list your debts and make minimum payments on all but ONE of those debts. The methods differ when choosing which debt receives the extra charges.

If you select the DEBT AVALANCHE method:
1. You make the minimum payments on all of your debts. Then use the remaining money to pay down the debt with the HIGHEST INTEREST rate.
2. Doing so often results in lower payments over time.
3. Besides looking at the higher interest rates, you might want to select any debt with a “teaser” rate set to expire. Many credit card companies try to lure you away from the competition by offering temporary low interest. Don’t forget these rates are quick, or you’ll find yourself paying higher interest rates than you need to.

Choosing the SNOWBALL METHOD also involves making minimum payments on all your debts. This time, though, instead of paying extra on the highest-interest debts, you’ll first pay off the smaller ones. The snowball method may sound less desirable than the avalanche. However, when you consider the psychological factors that impact our money decisions, you can see how feeling a sense of accomplishment and progress could be highly motivating. The debt snowball can keep you dedicated and focused on debt reduction by making your list of debts shorter and more quickly.

So, which method should you choose?

You know yourself much better than I do. So, I am going to say that, given that self-awareness, you should select the method to which you are most likely to stick. Many experts feel that debt avalanche math makes it the obvious choice because it will save you money and time. But, since most personal finance decisions are made with emotions rather than head knowledge, this might not work for everyone.

Like getting rid of a few extra pounds, debt reduction is not that fun or exciting. If you are the kind of person that isn’t motivated by charts, graphs, and math but needs immediate gratification, consider the snowball instead.
Throwing large wads of cash at a high-interest debt and seeing it reduced only a bit can discourage some folks.
If you know you are the kind of person who needs a gentle push in the right direction and needs to see progress immediately, then it’s ok to pursue the snowball method.

On the other hand, if you are all about the BIG PICTURE, love math, and are patient and consistent, a debt reduction avalanche plan can lower your monthly payments and save you lots of money in the long term. Of course, it’s always possible to create a “hybrid” plan in which you tackle your consumer debt, such as credit cards, and then pay off things such as car loans, student loans, or other non-credit-card loans.

The takeaways
· Reducing and eliminating debt is always a good idea, regardless of whether you take a snowball or avalanche approach.
· It’s essential to understand your risk tolerance, motivation, and patience to make the most effective plan.
· Be balanced in your approach to debt.

Eliminating debt in your life is a goal worthy of consideration. It will go a long way toward bringing you more prosperity and peace of mind when you no longer make a paycheck. If you’d like other suggestions about debt elimination, and creating more income for retirement, call our office, and we’ll gladly assist you.

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About Tim Davis

RICP®, CLU®, CEBS, Certified Financial Fiduciary®
The founder of Davis Capital Corp. is Tim Davis, RICP, CLU, CEBS. He has had a successful insurance career that spans over 30 years. Tim focuses his attention on people who want a safe and secure retirement. His extensive insurance background in all areas of insurance covering human capital, as well as being a successful entrepreneur, uniquely qualifies him to lead a team to strategically design and place insurance plans for a broad spectrum of needs, both personal and corporate. Tim is a University of Texas at Austin graduate with a BBA in finance. He also earned the Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP) and Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designation from the American College of Financial Services and the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) certification from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

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